Indie Hackers Podcast

Indie Hackers Podcast 200: Cortland Allen

Published: April 13, 2021, 7:31 p.m.

Business Name(es)

Indie Hackers



Key Lessons from the Episode

The most important things to take away


A lot of indie hackers got started and became successful because they found ways to teach others online.

"Today I’m talking to some of the best online course creators that I know. So many indie hackers got started and became successful because they found ways to teach others online."

Finding fun in what you do can significantly improve productivity.

"A lot of it is around just enjoying the things that you’re doing. And part of that is finding things to work on that you find fun."

Hiring a team can greatly benefit your productivity and course creation process.

"I couldn't do everything myself. So I had an assistant for the last year and a half and I only just hired her full time last month."

Creating transformative online courses can change people's lives.

"I think resonance is a big, a big thing. Like, you can have ten different teachers teaching ten different topics, but like the way someone delivers it just really resonates with you."

Iterating and improving your course based on student feedback is essential for success.

"We spend a lot of time going through the people who rated it less than 8 out of 10 thinking, OK, what could we have done differently?"

Episode Details

Episode Gist

Customer Acquisition

The interviewees acquire customers through their existing audiences, social media presence, and word-of-mouth.

Business Category

Online Course Creation


Education and Learning

Business Model

Subscription Services

Contact Cortland Allen
