Indie Hackers Podcast

Indie Hackers Podcast 213: Molly Wolchansky

Published: June 18, 2021, 5 p.m.

Business Name(es)

The Agent Nest



Key Lessons from the Episode

The most important things to take away


Don't let other companies become a discouragement to your success. Use feelings of discouragement as fuel to grow and get better.

"Don't let other successful companies in the same field become a deterrent to your success... focus on your business, focus on what you care about."

Be transparent and share both the good and bad aspects of your journey to build connections and empathy with your audience.

"You be transparent. You actually tell your story in a story form... you don't hide the bad stuff, you don't only show the good stuff."

Interact with your target audience daily to build relationships and gain followers and clients.

"Whenever I interacted with my target audience on a daily basis, I would get multiple signups... it's something that you don't have to be sitting at a desk to do."

Focus on marketing and be willing to spend money to make money.

"Marketing should be the biggest budget for any company that's trying to grow... it's okay to spend your money on marketing because that is the number one way you're going to get customers."

Revise and adapt your marketing strategy when growth plateaus or slows down.

"I decided to reevaluate my marketing strategy... I created new ads, ran Google ads for the first time, and worked on SEO for my website."

Episode Details

Episode Gist

Customer Acquisition

The Agent Nest acquires customers through a combination of Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Google ads; interacting with the target audience on social media platforms; and offering scheduled posting plans with analytics and RSS feeds.

Business Category



Real Estate and Property Management

Business Model


Contact Molly Wolchansky