
Indie Hackers Podcast - Episodes

#205 – New Business Ideas for 2021

Today I have Chris Justin (@Chris_Justin) and Eathan Janney from the Run With It podcast. They are coming on the show today to share some business ideas for 2021 for indie hackers. In this episode we…...

#204 – The Simplest $250K ARR Startup You've Ever Heard Of with Collin Waldoch

Over the past two years, I’ve been getting emails from Collin Waldoch. The first was in 2019 when he told me his startup Water Cooler Trivia was making $10K ARR. That was followed a few months later …...

#203 – What You Need to Know About Bitclout with Mubashar Iqbal

Joining me is prolific indie hacker and Bitclout enthusiast Mubashar Iqbal (@mubashariqbal) to discuss the pros and cons of the new platform. Is it a scam? Is it not a scam? Are we all living in a re…...

#202 – How to Build a Rabid Fan Base with Austin Rief of Morning Brew

Austin Rief (@Austin_Rief) started the newsletter Morning Brew in college when he didn’t care if he made money or mistakes. That freedom in the early days resulted in an authenticity that he credits …...

#201 – 3x Growth, Dating, and Hiring a Coach for Everything with Ben Orenstein of Tuple

Today I’m catching up with Ben Orenstein (@r00k) after nearly two years. Since then his company Tuple has grown 3x and is hitting millions on annual revenue. In this episode, I talk to Ben about the …...

#200 – Every Indie Hacker Has an Online Course in Them with Andrew Barry, Marie Poulin, and Ali Abdaal

Today I’m talking to some of the best online course creators that I know. So many indie hackers got started and became successful because they found ways to teach others online. So I invited Andrew B…...

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